(The Way to OSAKA Marathon56)
OSAKA Marathon is 45 days away!!
I was a bit peckish.
Before running I was a little peckish.So I ate jelly drink.But after running 6km,I was a little peckish again.Today I didn’t eat rice.Because my friends and many books say rice is bad for your health.Actually I didn’t be sleepy after lunch,but I was a bit peckish.I thought I should have sweet bread?? I am going to try.
I was a little tired.
And my body was a little tired.I thought I slept a little less than usual and I was a little sleepy.I should rest.I will rest tomorrow.
I have become to see many running people in NAGAI PARK.
The marathon race is 45days away.So I noticed more people run in NAGAI PARK.They were running in group.They run very fast.I think they run 4min/km.Please look under vine movie”Today’s NAGAI PARK JAPAN 15/09/10”.
Today’s NAGAI PARK JAPAN 15/09/10
Nike+ record 15/09/10

Dinner records 15/09/10