I run 9 days ago.And This is the 2nd run in this month.Tomorrow is rainy day,so I decided to run.My legs often ache after about 7km run.But this time my legs ached after 4km.I stopped running and massage my legs.So my legs improved.I can run more 3km.I think it is important to run with my pace and care my legs.3years ago I couldn’t join marathon festival in FUKUOKA because of my legs aching.I will care my legs and I make my legs stronger by running more,eating protein which my friends recommended to me!!
福岡県福岡市出身。ランニング初心者目線から 『ランニングの楽しさを伝える』ためにブログ書いてます。日常生活にランニングを取り入れて心をリフレッシュ!
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