
I went to MUJI store in CanalCity HAKATA in GW. This MUJI store is the biggest store in Kyusyu.CanalCity HAKATA is in FUKUOKA prefecture in JAPAN.Many foreign people visit FUKUOKA and go to this place.So I saw many foreign people in this store,especially Chinese.MUJI is a Japanese campany store.This store are in United Staes,Europe,Asia.There are a lot of tools and foods for more good life.They don’t just sell goods but also propose life style.And especially this store proposes life styles by 30,000 books.Additionally,they do events in which customers can talk with archtectures who live in Kyusyu.This store contriburtes to community acticity. 

In the store,there are some chairs and tables and cafe.Customer can buy some drinks and sit on the chairs and read books in this store before buying it.Some plants are besides chairs and tables  for comfortable space.

I want to be here for several hours.Some artistic objects are displayed in the store.For example teeth brash are displayed linely.

First time I went to this place,I had a litte time,so I don’t watch all of them.So next time I will enjoy this store more.If you visit FUKUOKA prefecture in JAPAN,I recommend you to visit this place.



